Friday, September 18, 2009

♪♫♪ No more Mr. Nice Guy, no siree ♪♫♪

WARNING: Don't let this cute face fool you!

This little boy has been a punk all week. Ever since he was born, Cayden has taken his naps in his swing. This past weekend I realized the reason he is so grumpy on Sundays is because he doesn't get a nap all morning since we don't bring his swing to church. I decided that it's about time he learns to sleep without his swing otherwise on vacations and any time he stays with his grandparents he will be one grumpy puppy.

On Tuesday of this week I started laying Cayden down in his crib at naptime. So far we're not doing so great. Cayden will stay asleep for 15-20 minutes and then wake up crying. He'll then stay up for 1 1/2-2 hours and then is tired out of his mind so he falls asleep. I put him down in his crib and the whole cycle starts over. We're on day four... I'm exhausted, Cayden is exhausted, and I'm about ready to give up and just put him in the swing for naps. Why is this so frustrating? Why will he sleep forever at night in his crib without problems, but not in the middle of the day? I know he is tired.

I think I'm going to lose it.


Surprise, surprise... baby is crying. Just woke up from his 15 minute nap. *sigh*


Shannon said...

I hear ya Amber. That same thing happened with Dallin and now occasionally with Charlie. It is SO frustrating when they only sleep for 15-20 minutes because you know they are exhausted and need to sleep longer and you need them to sleep longer for your own sanity during the day. Good luck with it. Let me know if you get any good advice. ...and now Charlie is awake.

Unknown said...

*hugs* just keep at it. it'll work out okay. ... ps. i really like the new background. cute!

m said...

Hey sista- so here's the dealy-o. The swing is a "sleep prop." He needs to get to where he can self-soothe to fall asleep. The book that taught me how to do this is called Baby Wise. The book was given to me 2 weeks before I had Grace...I devoured it and learned how to take care of a baby from it!! It is all about establishing a pattern in their feeding/sleep cycles.

I have followed it with all three babies and all three slept through the night at 8 weeks and were delightful nappers. You don't have to be too harsh with the scheduling, just follow the cycle: 1. eat, 2. play, 3. sleep. But Lincoln always has to fall asleep on a full tummy so I feed him before he sleeps. I still swaddle him (6 months old) and lay him down. Many times he just falls asleep. Sometimes he fusses for 3-4 minutes and then falls asleep. So play with it and see what you get.

I know it is suuuper frustrating when your baby isn't getting enough sleep. It is so important to both of your wellbeing!! You are such a good mom and you'll be able to help him "organize his sleep/feeding cycles." Give me a call if you can't get the book. But I'm sure Walmart has it or Borders for sure. Well worth it.
Lovies! m

Rachel said...

I totally agree with Maryam... also, there is another book called "happy child, healthy sleep habits" that also has a lot of good stuff (some stuff I think is over the top but overall good). It might take a little bit of training but if you don't give up and set him in the swing (which they start to get too heavy for about 9 months or earlier) it will eventually start to work, I did the same thing with the swing and decided it wasn't a good thing either, it does take time though. and TOTALLY swaddle. My little guy slept much better when swaddled.
Also, I am one of chad's friends from NM... you guys are so cute and cute baby!