Monday, December 16, 2013

My Girls

I think at some point down the road (when Grace isn't so little and Laura isn't sick) it will be fun to have two girls only 20 months apart. I'm excited for them to wear matching clothes and to be best friends... hopefully. (Don't get me wrong, I know they'll fight and have a love-hate relationship, but I hope that ultimately they'll think of each other as best friends.) Here are some pictures of my girls lately. Love, love, love them!

Squishy face!

Love this sweet sleeping baby!

Laura showing off her cute pigtails. She loved standing on the bathroom counter and now requests to look at her hair in the bathroom mirror while standing on the counter each morning. Guess I shouldn't have done that in the first place. Oops.

Grace, the mighty escape artist. How a baby can get out of a swaddle that tight I'll never know. I love that she's showing some leg in the last picture. ;)

My sleeping princesses. Cause sometimes they refuse to nap in their beds and couch naps are better than no nap, right?

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