Monday, July 16, 2012

My Cayden Boy

Let me tell you about this little boy. You will never meet such a mellow and sweet little boy as Cayden. He takes beatings from his little friends and the kids in nursery and rarely does he ever turn around to retaliate. He is so sensitive to others feelings and doesn't like to see others sad. He has a smile that melts my heart and the cutest laugh. Cayden is such a cheeser. He is so goofy and funny and makes me laugh daily.

Cayden has been such a rockstar since Laura was born. As crazy of a ride as it has been for me, it has been just as much of an adjustment for him too. I often feel so bad that I don't get to spend as much time with him as I used to. But Cayden never complains. He happily plays with his toys and waits patiently for me to finish taking care of Laura. Cayden loves his little sister and is such a good big brother. He often lays on the floor next to Laura while I'm cooking dinner or changing out the laundry and either talks and plays with her or tries to make her happy if she is crying. He tries to be so quiet during her naps, but is a total three year old and isn't very quiet. Just today he tripped on a toy and fell carrying a box of cars and it made a huge crash. This scared Laura who was sleeping and she started screaming. Rather than cry about his leg that hurt (and was bleeding) he turned to me and said he needed to say sorry to Laura because he made her cry. What a sweetheart! He has been so good about sharing his toys and room with Laura. Just this past weekend we moved Laura from the bassinet in our room to her crib in Cayden's room. When Laura wakes up during her nap crying or if I let her fuss for a little bit to allow her to put herself back to sleep, Cayden just lays quietly in bed. If Laura has gone down before Cayden, he makes sure he is super quiet when he gets in bed. And vice versa too. If Cayden gets up before Laura he doesn't make a peep and silently leaves the room.

Cayden is so loving and patient with me. I am not proud of the fact that I have had less patience with him and have yelled more since Laura has been born. But every night when Cayden goes to bed he wraps his little arms around my neck and whispers "I love you" in my ear no matter how mad I have gotten at him during the day. And every morning he greets me with a sleepy smile and a huge hug. Love him.

I love Laura to pieces, but it breaks my heart that we don't have much "Cayden-Mommy" time anymore. Some of my favorite parts of the day are when Laura has gone down for a nap and Cayden crawls into my lap and we read story after story after story or when I wake Cayden up from a nap and crawl into bed with him and snuggle (even though Laura is still sleeping in the room).

I could not have asked for a better son. I love him to death and pray that he knows how much mommy loves him even though I yell and get angry way more than I should and even though I get really busy with Laura.

 And just to prove how precious this boy is...

We were headed to the Dr last week and I asked Cayden to go put on his shoes. I came out from the bedroom to find that not only had he put on his shoes, but his bike helmet too. Cute, cute, cute. :)

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