Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Today has been a day. A very long day. Every time I turned around Cayden was spewing something from his mouth. It made me really not want to feed him, but it's not like you can just not feed your child. I was cleaning up one particular vomit/spit mess and discovered that Cayden had a poo explosion. Yes, poo did get on the carpet. When I finished cleaning up the poo mess I walked out of the bathroom to find more vomit mess covering the floor and Cayden. What made it worse was that he crawled through it to get me when he saw me. Joy. Cayden also refused to take his afternoon nap until almost 5pm; I wasn't going to let that happen or he would never go to bed. Cayden was an absolute pill the rest of the night. My floor lamp is no longer working; Cayden pulled it over several times today and broke all three lightbulbs each time. Now I am out of lightbulbs so I can't replace them. Hopefully it just needs new lightbulbs and isn't broken itself. (Btw, how do you keep your child from pulling over your floor lamp? I seriously am thinking about anchoring it to the wall... if only I could.) Oh, and while writing this I accidentally overcooked the pasta for dinner. Wonderful, now I have no idea what I'm going to feed Chad when he gets home from class. Rawr. And yes, I do have Memorial Day pictures, but I don't feel like posting them. So I won't, you'll just have to wait.

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