Saturday, March 28, 2009

Double Digits and More!

I made it! I have less than 100 days until the baby is due! Wahoo! Things are going great and we feel so blessed to have made it this far without any problems - we just hope it says that way. My back does hurt from time to time... actually, it hurts most of the time. Our little man likes to have late night parties in my stomach and so that makes sleeping difficult sometimes, but it's worth it. I am just so excited for him to come and pray that he is healthy!

Student teaching is going great. I took over all the teaching pretty much from the beginning. I've done that for four weeks and only have two left until I am done! I am excited to be done, but at the same time will miss my kids. My third graders are amazing and always make me laugh. A few weeks ago we were reading a book as a class called Once Upon a Marigold. It is quite a good book and all the kids loved it! It's about a princess who falls in love with a servant in the castle. The princess and the servant hugged at one point and to be honest, my class immediately erupted in chaos! Third graders apparently can't handle any physical contact between boys and girls (I suppose it's a good thing). Amidst the comments of "ewww" and "gross" one little girl piped up and said, "You know, there's a little somethin' somethin' going on!" I was thinking, Are you kidding me?! One of my third graders said what?! The kids quickly got over their disgust and began laughing. And no, this is not the end of the story... One little boy then turned to me and said, "Mrs. Higgins knows what a little somethin' somethin' is because she's pregnant!" Oh. My. Goodness. Thankfully most of the class was still laughing from the previous comment and so I don't think they heard what he said. However, for the next few days I was worried that someone would go home and tell their parents that Mrs. Higgins taught them about the birds and the bees. Oy. I've decided that kids are hilarious.

I know you all have been wondering, and yes, I did pass my TWS! I PASSED! Clearly, I'm not excited at all. *sarcasm intended* After who knows how many hours of writing that darn thing it's done and apparently I am smart enough to be a teacher. My BYU professors told me that after I was done with the TWS I would be so proud of it, that it would be my baby and I wouldn't want to ever get rid of it. Well, I am proud of it. But I honestly would rather burn it than look at it right now. :)

Chad has been really, really busy with school and work. He got sick about a week ago, but it was over his spring break so he didn't miss much. Thankfully he is feeling much better. He has about a month left of school (4 1/2 weeks-ish) and then he will be able to enjoy a nice break. Things at work are finally starting to look a little better too. :) They have been short staffed for a while and so Chad has had to pick up a lot of the slack. I don't see him a lot normally, but the past two months or so I have seen him even less. However, he just hired a new employee and it is rumored that he will be getting a MIT for his store sometime this coming week. Yay! That will be so nice for him, he deserves it.

Well, there you have it folks. Life is busy, insane, and full of fun!

1 comment:

Margot said...

I love Once Upon a Marigold. It's a fun book.