Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Guess what... we're moving... again. Surprise, surprise. I honestly should be really excited about moving because it isn't far away (approximately 30 yards south of where we live now) and it is so much nicer. But really, I hate moving. I hate finding a new place for everything, I hate unpacking boxes, I hate lifting heavy furniture, I hate updating my address for everything imaginable. My cousin and sister are coming to help, but that doesn't mean that I have to change my feelings towards moving.

I vaguely remember hearing that moving is a huge stress in life and so I decided to take a stress test. (I should point out that I took the test for Chad and I collectively.) Here are the results:

Your total stress score is 194

If your score totals 150 or more:
You have a 50-50 chance of developing an illness.

If your score totals 300 or more:
You have a 90 percent chance of developing an illness.

So Chad and I have a 50-50 chance of getting an illness. Just what we need. Actually, the test only let you check "change in residence" once and seeing how Chad and I will have moved four times in the past six months I think I should add the other three moves in. Ok, add 60 points to the score...

Our new score is 254! Holy cow. Apparently we have a lot to be stressed about. Oddly enough, we're quite happy and don't feel all that stressed... most of the time anyway. :)

Do you want to know your chances of getting an illness? Here is the link to the test, take it if you want.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

You're right, moving does suck. Hopefully things go smoothly for your guys! Good luck.