Monday, May 11, 2009

Meet Frank

Chad and I have two cars! Yep, you heard me right... two cars!!! Chad's parents gave us a 1994 Toyota Camry. I'm not sure why, but we are grateful for their generosity. Thank you!

Here is a picture of our two lovely cars. Alex (short for Alexandra) you have already met. Frank is the newest addition, the one wearing the red lipstick. :) Frank got that lovely shade of red lipstick trying to kiss another car a while ago. Chad and his dad are going to fix it up and paint it this summer so he'll be back to his usual white self.

I'm so excited to finally (after almost 2 1/2 years of marriage) have a car all to myself! No more riding my bike to the grocery store and trying to balance five overflowing plastic bags on each handlebar. No more waiting until 9:30pm for Chad to get home to run a simple errand. Holy cow, I'm so excited I'm not sure what to do with myself!


Unknown said...

Frank and Alex ... lol

Unknown said...


Watch out world she's free!

Shannon said...

Nice to meet you Frank! Yay for you guys!!!