Sunday, May 15, 2016

Snapshots of Our Wonderful Life!

We live a pretty good life. Actually, we live a great life! It's really easy to get overwhelmed with life and all the things that don't go the way I have planned. But when I have time to sit and think about it, my family and life are fantastic and we are hugely blessed. We are so, so lucky and I need to remember that more often. So as a reminder to myself, here are some snapshots of our wonderful life!

Auntie Rachelle had a break between the end of the semester and her internship and came home to visit. She and Grandma came down to play one day (lucky Cayden skipped school and did fun stuff instead!).

Cayden got really low and stuck his bum out every time as he tried to line up. We all died laughing each time and the poor kid didn't know what was so funny.

 Laura's turn!

Laura was Grandma's little buddy the whole time.

This little girl loves bowling and was quite proud that she beat her big sister. :)

The aftermath of bowling, "nap time." Doesn't look very relaxing to me.

Bubble fun. I think Grace eats more bubbles than she actually blows, oh well.

Other fun shenanigans...

Eating ice cream and check out that mouth! This girl goes all in.

Having fun playing on the chair stacker.

Cayden holding my cousin's baby. So dang cute!

Eating the first watermelon of the season.

We finally set the trampoline up for the summer and the kids were so excited. To say that they have been living outside would be an understatement.

My Gracie girl's first braids! And that face... holy stink!

How to eat sprinkles that fall off your doughnut - lick and slurp.

Now that it's warmer outside we have been walking to the bus stop to drop off and pick up Cayden each day. There is a little park right by it and we frequently head down there early to let the girls play before the bus comes. (Laura usually rides her bike and refuses to take off her helmet while playing at the park. Whatever floats your boat.)

Having so much fun she just can't stand it!

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