Monday, February 2, 2015

This Man

Bragging time! I haven't gotten around to this yet because we have been so busy, but I am so, so proud of this wonderful man!

 This one right here! Hot stuff! :)

Chad just graduated with his Masters of Science in Information Systems from the University of Utah. He has worked so hard the past year and a half; it has been long and hard and frustrating. There have been lots of late nights, lots of weekends spent at the library, and lots of time away from the family. The kids got so used to Chad being gone that they are still surprised when he comes home from work every night.

While I'm not so sure that I'd willingly relive the last year and a half, I'm so glad that we did it. Going back to school wasn't easy, especially with three kids, but it was worth it. I'm so excited for this next phase of life! I think the kids and I could get use to having Chad around. Congratulations honey, I'm so proud! I love you!

 Officially official!

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