Monday, December 27, 2010

Unwrapping Elmo

Cayden got a Tickle Me Elmo for Christmas from my parents. Since we weren't able to visit my family this Christmas my mom wanted a video to see Cayden's reaction to Elmo. So mom, here you go.

Unwrapping Elmo; I must say, my son has some mad unwrapping skills. :)

I love how Cayden keeps pointing at Elmo and saying "tis." And yes, Brian is in the background obnoxiously imitating Elmo.

I'm not sure if you can see this, but at the very beginning of the video Cayden is running away from Elmo because he fell out of the box and scared him. Lol! Also, he is waiting so patiently.

And finally, lots of loves for Elmo. I think it's funny that he dropped Elmo and ran when he started shaking. So we're scared of the Tickle Me part, but love just Elmo. Oh yeah, he also gives Elmo a kiss at the very end. So. Cute.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

seriously, that box was difficult to open. lol.