Monday, March 31, 2014

Hungry Baby

The past week or so Grace has started waking up 2-3 times a night again. I have been beating my head against a wall trying to figure out what her deal is and finally decided that it either had to be teeth (she chews and drools on EVERYTHING) or she was ready to start big girl food. Last night we decided to give oatmeal cereal a go, figuring it wouldn't hurt anything. Cayden and Laura both weren't too impressed with it and had a hard time figuring out how to swallow it. I assumed the same thing would happen with Grace. I was even frustrated because I accidentally mixed up way more than I intended trying to get the right consistency.

Grace gave us a weird look for the first few bites, but was quickly grabbing the spoon and my hand trying to get it to her mouth faster than I was moving. She also did a really good job swallowing the oatmeal cereal. She wasn't 100% mess free, but I've never seen a baby so good at swallowing solid food like she did the first go around. Grace downed everything I mixed up and definitely ate way more than she was wearing. Afterwards she seemed so content and happy. Apparently she was ready for big girl food. Surprise, surprise.

Did it solve the sleeping problem? Well, Grace actually woke up about 1am and fussed on and off for a bit. But since she wasn't crying I figured I'd let her figure it out for a bit. After about 30 minutes of off and on fussing she was sound asleep and slept until I got her up in the morning. I don't know if it was a fluke or not, but you can bet we'll be eating oatmeal cereal before bed from now on.

Facial expression after the first few bites.

Trying to figure out how to swallow - it didn't take too long! Sadly I don't have any excited pictures or pictures of her grabbing at the spoon/me.

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