Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day

Sorry about my 'terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day' venting yesterday; Cayden and I are both happy campers today. :)


We had a great Memorial Day on Monday... here is a run down of the day's events in pictures. (Thanks for some of the pictures Krysta, I stole them from your blog.)

Cayden got a haircut from Grandma. He was pretty good at first (i.e. wasn't initially terrified of the clippers).

It didn't take long to reach the terrified point. This face is so sad and so cute!

Chad walked in the room... "Save me daddy!"

Cayden got a dum dum after all the trauma.

After the haircut Cayden got his first ever bath in the sink.

Then Cayden played outside with daddy... being thrown in the air and jumping on the trampoline.

Playing with Uncle Steven.

Telling Grandma and Grandpa stories by the fire. Cayden really liked Grandma... though maybe it was because of all the s'mores she gave him. ;)

All the fun really wore Cayden out so he took a mini nap in daddy's lap. Love these two boys!

So sweet when he's sleeping.

We had a lot of fun and a lot of yummy food. I got kinda spoiled having Chad home most of the day. So did Cayden, he sure loves his daddy.


m said...

I snorted I was laughing so hard at his terrified face. I buzzed the back and sides of L's hair too. I just left the top long. He was seriously upset and it was hard because I was doing it all alone on our big bathroom counter. Sheesh!

Emmalie (or fondly Emma) said...

I just can't believe how big he is getting. Still need to officially meet the kid, but I sure love looking at the pictures! Danny absolutely LOVED your cheesecake by the way. I am so glad I was the third person. Thank you. A perfect ending to my day. Though I still need to do my end of the bargain. Don't worry, I will.

Jesseca said...

ha ha ha ha ha. i love all the sad faces.